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We love to share our story and experience! Do not hesitate to ask. 

If you are a journalist you can also have a look at our official visuals here.

Press and Media

Photographer in Grimentz


Cette nouvelle manière de travailler permet d’attirer une nouvelle clientèle connectée dans les villages alpins, tout en luttant contre les lits froids.

Coworking Europe

Haz Memon is the founder of Swiss Escape a co-living and coworking company running operations in Switzerland and and in Greece.

Le Nouvelliste

Télétravail: comment attirer les nomades digitaux dans les stations valaisannes?


Wer für seine Arbeit nur Laptop und Internet braucht, geniesst viel Freiheit – doch das soziale Netz wird löchrig.

Press Kit

We've got a selection of property, logo and team pictures

Thanks for submitting!

Get in touch

Would you like to interview our founders? 

Haz Memon and Fanny Caloz, founders of ESCAPE
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